Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thursday's Three Things: Summer Memories

It’s Thursday, and that can mean only one thing - it’s time for the next edition of Thursday’s Three Things! (Also, be on the lookout for the next Grill Week recipe later tonight!)

Yesterday was the first day of summer, so today’s topic is:

What 3 things remind you of summer?

Before I list mine, I should confess that I am not summer’s biggest fan. I will take 35 degrees over 85 degrees anytime, and not think twice about it. That being said, I have some great summertime memories, and I really do try to appreciate these months, even though the days are blazing hot! All right, here are my 3 things…

1. Water slides – For the most part, I’ve grown up living in extremely warm climates (Florida, Panama, Texas), so water parks/Sea World were always a staple during the summer months when I was growing up.

2. Homemade Salsa – Last summer, TJ and I were on a total salsa kick, so much so that we grew our own tomato plant to use for it. We also bought a canning kit, and sold jars of it to some of our coworkers. There’s nothing better than fresh salsa made with summer vegetables at their peak.

3. The Black Keys album, Brothers – I listened to this album non-stop during the summer of 2010, and now when one of the songs comes up on shuffle, I’m instantly transported back to road trips to the beach and picnics at the lake during my first summer with TJ.

Now it’s your turn – leave 3 things remind you of summer in the comments below!

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