Thursday, July 5, 2012

Thursday's Three Things: Independence Day

Is it just me, or does today not feel like Thursday at all? All day I've been thinking it's Monday, and then when I realize it's not, I feel totally thrown off (but also happy, because Thursday > Monday, obviously). I hope you all had a wonderful July 4th! We spent a good portion of the day with my parents, eating delicious grilled food and playing card games. All in all, I'd call it a successful day. So, without further ado, let's get to this week's Thursday's Three Things topic:

What 3 things did you do to celebrate the 4th of July?

1. I spent the morning in the kitchen making salsa, fruit kabobs, and one of favorite summer recipes, fruit salsa with cinnamon chips. For us, summer is all about fresh foods, and these three recipes fit perfectly into that "fresh" category. There wasn't much in terms of leftovers, so I'd call that a success!

2. My parents taught TJ and I how to play the card game "Spades", and we had a great time playing it! It took us a few rounds to get the hang of it, but after a while, we started to really enjoy it. We're looking forward to playing it with them again.

3. After TJ and I got back home, we took some of the leftover sparklers from our wedding outside to "light up the night". The cool thing about these particular sparklers is that they're 3 feet long, so they last forever! It was cool to go outside, just the two of us, to celebrate the holiday, and also think back to our wedding (we can't believe it's been almost three months!)

So, that just about sums up our awesome holiday.

Now it's your turn - tell me about 3 things you did to celebrate the 4th in the comments below!

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