Thursday, July 12, 2012

Thursday's Three Things: Repeat Songs

I can hardly believe it’s already Thursday again! Of course, that means it’s time for another edition of Thursday’s Three Things. This week has been kind of a difficult one – it’s been really busy (hence the lack of a new recipe this week), and as a result pretty stressful. I don’t know how you guys deal with stress and unwinding, but I tend to take care of it by singing at the top of my lungs. When it’s been a rough day at work, I use my drive home as a time to decompress and totally rock out to the stuff on my iPod. (Yes, I’m that girl in the car by herself who is singing like it’s a Grammy performance. I’ve learned to own my nerd tendencies). Speaking of iPods, who’s with me when it comes to skipping over about 90% of your songs and only actually listening to a select few?? I do it all the time, but, there are those select few that I listen to every single time. And that, my friends, brings us to today’s topic:

What 3 songs do you never get tired of listening to?

1. January Rain by David Gray: I love every single note of this song, mostly because it can amplify any kind of emotion. This song will celebrate your happiness one day, and will cry with you the next. It fits any and every emotion I have like a cozy hoodie, and I can’t get enough of it. The other thing I love about it – the name (a rainy day in January is pretty much ideal for me).

2. Australia by The Shins: There’s a line in the movie Garden State where Natalie Portman’s character claims that listening to a song by The Shins will “change your life”. Since discovering The Shins, I couldn’t agree more. There’s just something about their music that I really love, and Australia has easily turned into one of my favorites. If you don’t know it, give it a listen, and while you’re at it, check out their other stuff too – you won’t be sorry.

3. Everlasting Light by The Black Keys: This song is great because it’s a love song hidden in a rock song. It’s catchy and addicting, and on top of that, it has lyrics like, “I’ll hold and never scold, in me you can confide when no one’s by your side”. Ladies, this is a love song that your man can get down with.

Before I ask you to leave your comments, I’d like to announce that we’re going to start a new feature to go along with Thursday’s Three Things. Every week, a random commenter will be chosen and featured in the next week’s post. So, while you’re listing off your 3 things, we’d love for you to include a link to your blog, website, etc and if you’re chosen, we’ll give you a little shout out :) Since Facebook has changed their “pages” settings, it’s been really hard to get free and easy publicity, so we want to help you out! Come on guys, don’t be shy!

Now it’s your turn – tell me about 3 songs that you never get tired of listening to in the comments below!

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