Thursday, June 14, 2012

Thursday's Three Things: Random Facts About Yourself

Confession Time: Lately, I’ve become mildly interested in completely obsessed with looking at the blog stats that Blogger publishes. I love studying the trends about which posts were the most popular for a given week, and trying to figure out what makes people look at a particular recipe on any given day. It’s also really exciting to see that people are actually reading what we’re posting.

So, over the weekend I got to thinking about how I’d love to get to know the people who are reading our posts, and a new idea formed: “Thursday’s Three Things”. This is going to be a weekly feature (on Thursdays – shock!) where I post about a question/topic and tell you my three answers for it. Then, you awesome readers will (hopefully!) post your three answers for it in the comments. Let’s go ahead and dive into the first one, yeah?

Since we’re all getting to know each other, it’s only fitting that our first “Triple T” topic should be:

List 3 random facts about yourself

Here are mine…

1. I spent kindergarten through half of third grade living in Panama, and when we eventually moved back to the United States, I told my parents that I would move back to Panama the day I turned 18 (Spoiler Alert: I didn’t).

2. I learned how to ride a bike at age 23 – my now husband took me to his hometown to visit his family last year, and while we were there, he spent a few hours teaching me to ride from start to finish. It was awesome :)

3. My husband and I grew up on opposite sides of the country, but we have some eerily similar things in common: We’re both only children, we were both born in Florida and moved away at age 4, and as children, we were both bitten by a German Shepherd… on the butt. You can’t make this stuff up, guys!

Now it’s your turn – leave 3 random facts about yourself in the comments below!

1 comment:

  1. 1. I like to do jigsaw puzzles, especially coca cola ones.

    2. I love to bake desserts.

    3. I enjoy making jewelry.
